

First stop. The sky was overcast and with intermittent sunshine. However, nothing is going to take away the spring in his step as he set foot on Dublin - the land of Guinness - to kick start his 12 day stint. A big city nonetheless, but the places of his interest are all localized in the city center like the concentrated nucleus of an atom. Not a man of many words, he decided to take snapshots of the city hoping impossibly to capture the essence and ambiance of the city on film. but still he tries..

"is tt stout or water flowing in the river?" -cj

"coat of arms"-cj

"square and simple. they got the everything at(from the) right angle didn't they."-cj

"oscar wilde"-cj

"holy cow. what a apt name to capture its medieval past."-cj

"hidden in a dark alley. a hang out."-cj

"one of the best restaurant/bar @temple bar."-cj

"the brown bricks. trademark of the industrialization age."-cj

"more bown houses."-cj
"even more brown houses."-cj

Having walked for more than an hour, he was frustrated. Where in the world is the damn hostel? Did i get the address wrong? He scanned the row of houses in front of him hoping to see a huge neon signboard blazing, "Brown Hostel". Finally, he gave up and called the hostel's reception.

"Good Afternoon, Brown Hostel."

"Hi, I'm at xxxx street. beside the bus stop. i can't find my want to the hostel. can you give me some directions?"

"We are call Brown Hostel because the hostel's exterior is brown in colour. It should be easy to spot. "

"thanks. see you soon."

Glad that she made it sounds so easy. Smiling, he looked up from the notebook.. to his dismay. The whole row of houses are brown. So are those on the rows opposite and the next street.

Damn. brown houses. trademark of industralization. trademark of dublin.

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