
big picture

I spend the last half an hour of the paper sitting at the back of the room watching everyone around me writing fervently; putting their thoughts down on paper. The pen twirled round my finger as I concentrated on keeping it in motion. While I am still worrying about exams, some of my friends are already halfway up the corporate ladder.

I tried to visualize my future.

Where would I be 5years from now? I do not have an answer for myself. For a third of my life, I had thought I am going to become a doctor and I spent the same one third of my life working towards it.
My future would have been so predictable if I had been admitted to medical school. But look at where am I now. Training to become an engineer even though I had a totally different career plan in mind. I looked at the road ahead and I know it just became more exciting. The past year had been great. The experiences, sometimes painful, had been beautiful. I'm sorry if I had given the impression that my life sucks. But upon reflection, i really have nothing to complain about. I living the dream of some people.

The two hands of the clock aligned themselves and the exam ended. I stopped pondering and handed in my paper. I flipped through it to make sure I have done all the question possible. Yup. I did all I could.

Everything Will Be OK - Unknown Magnet

I handed in the paper with 9 of the 15 questions blank.

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