
animals caged animals loose

The zoo trip was surprising uplifting, spiritually. What had thought to be an errand for the family unfolded in the ways I had least expected. I woke up this morning, lethargic, wishing I can just lie in bed for the whole day with a book. Clearly, my sleep-endocrine regulation isn't functioning as normally it should. But breakfast rendezvous is breakfast with a friend, my body awake or not has to be out of the house in 5min.

So there it begins, my crazy animal day.

The first act, the breakfast panda surprise by aa seems like an appropriate prelude to the zoo trip. My brother free zoo pass apparently doubles as a free get out-of-jail card for my cousins. Going to the zoo is like home coming to them. A daytime nightmare (day-mare?) flashed across my brain as I pictured them terrorizing the animals from the free roaming side of the enclosure. However, when I reached the zoo, the children were acting just like children. They seemed to be more interested in running wild, fighting and roaring with each other than looking at the different exotic species of primates and the members of the Felidae family.

I did my part and kept a closed , i mean close, eye on them; and my other eye on the real wild animals.

"Polar bears have such long necks."-cj

"bottoms up!"-cj


"Stop flirting me me with your eyes."-cj

"so cute. you sure you are a cannivore?"-cj

"i take tt back."-cj

"hanging loose is one thing, but keep your pants on."-cj

"what happens when you thow butter? asked my cousin."-cj

"double trouble"-cj

"there's actually a baby hanging on to the mother."-cj

"guess who?"-cj

"白虎, 青龙到底在那里?"-cj

"a dentist's nightmare."-cj

"heads up my fellow amigos, i spy a chica."-cj

nature calls. so i went.

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