
sweeping statement

I learned today never to make a sweeping statement, or rather a statement about sweeping, in front of my mother. She believed that the cleanliness of the house follows the same atomic half life principle as the a radioactive particle. Everyday the cleanliness of the house drops to half its original cleanliness, which was why she made sure the house is being swept on a daily basis. To me, clean enough is enough. No need for sparkling clean. The cleanliness of the room follows a half life too, only that I project the half life to be a week longer than hers. So whilst I was in Paris, I only clean my room on a weekly basis. And my room was still way cleaner than the others.

Today while sweeping the floor, I bragged. Every time I sweep the floor the dirac spike in the cleanliness of the house hit such amplitude that even with a daily half life, a week later the cleanliness of the house will be as clean as if my mum has swept the day before. There. The words flew out of my mouth and I could not take them back again.
half life.

Guess who got permanently scheduled for roster duty.

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