

the story told...
The car sped along the Central Expressway into the depths of the night. Save for a few taxis, the road was empty. Why would there be anyone at 4am in the morning? The street lamps
along the highways flew across above the car at 120km per hour. Having been kept awake for the whole night, I was drowsy in the passenger seat. She, on the other hand, was wide awake on a adrenaline rush. She had make a kill earlier that night and pocketed all the cash her victims had on them. Viciously beaten throughout the whole night, I was trying to stay awake. "Where am I?", I wondered. I have to orientate myself. She muttered a few incoherent words and I grunted a reply. Almost immediately, the car swerved sharply and went out through a filter lane. I caught a sign saying Bukit Timah Exit. For a moment, I panicked. Where is she taking me? I read an earlier news report about dead bodies being found in the Bukit Timah quarry. They were supposedly dumped there in the wee hours of the morning. I shivered. It is always the darkest before the sun rise.

"Where are you kidnapping me to?" I screamed. "I want to reach home before 430am", she said coolly and stepped on the accelerator. I checked my watch. 411am. I gulped. I have got just a few minutes left to live..

what actually happened...
We were on our way home at 4am after a whole night of mahjong. I sat quietly in the passenger seat.
'Bukit Timah?', she asked.
'Yup', I had heard Bukit Merah. So we exited the wrongly at Bukit Timah exit and end up making a detour to my house.
"one life. imagine it."-calvin
real life is so boring..

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