
intelligible conversations

it's 430am in Singapore and 1030pm in Paris. but she seems to be more lucid than me. sometimes i wonder if i'm even intelligible on msn, but I figured if i can't have some fun with on msn then i might as well not chat. i'm not even gg to describe the conversation filled with (literally) toilet humor that i had on the same night.
aa said:
so what ur problems?
.junyong. said:
i have a problems with people who have problems with me having problems with them having problems with me having poblems with them
aa said:

tts quite complicated
in other words, you have a problem with everyone else?
.junyong. said:
no.. i dun have problems with people who dun have a problem with me having a problems with them, people who dun have a problem with me not having problem with them and also those people who have a problem with me not having a problem with them.
sometimes, i think i have this knack for screwing up people's mind that i should either be a psychologist or a politician.

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