
dancing on airs

I guess the bout of laughing on Saturday generated quite a fair bit of positive externalities. So much so that it spilled over to today. Even though there is a mid term test tomorrow, I did not act on it. My good mood did not allow me to. Instead here's what I did for my feel good Sunday.

1. went to check out the prices of underwater cameras (any recommendations? at 1400sgd the D90 housing cost a bomb... so disposables?).

2. Salsa class came with a surprise. My dance instructor turned out to be this guy from my unit! It's certainly a small world. We caught up on the good old army days.

there are other stuffs that made my day too. so much so that I can go sleep now with a warm fuzzy happiness. This spillover is going to carry on for days, I can be sure that tomorrow is going to be an equally awesome day too.

Even with that freaking mid term test.

1 comment:

  1. Spillover effect! You know, I really have to agree with that. Today was awesome too. I'm now going to bed all warm and happy, and most importantly for me, optimistic that ming tian will be gen hao! =)
    I had a great time with everyone at Moulon and I was rather sad when it all ended and we had to leave that place, because I thought then that things would be different. Well they are different, but some things never do change, and we're still having as much fun. Thankful for the little blessings in life! =)

