
baker's moral

They hauled all the ingredients from IMM back to her place. The bakers were hailed all the way from Paris. Their objective is simple: to make the best lemon cheese cake in Singapore and give all the confectioneries a run for their money. Engineers by training, they picked up the lost art of baking in their plateau retreat. Where else can aspiring bakers hone their skills other than in a secretive plateau hideout? Hidden from the long arms of human rights groups, human experimentation was blatant and rampant. They knew that anything eaten in excess is unhealthy, but being bakers, they added sugar and butter freely and in excess. Unwilling to succumb themselves to the effects of diarrhea, obesity and high cholesterol, unrefined experimental prototype were forced down the throats of human guinea pigs. The human sacrifices were necessary, they claimed, in the name of higher learning. The oven as their altar, they worshiped the yeast as the manifestation of living beings with the ability to raise the cake from the dough. Cheese cakes, un-cheese cakes, chocolate cakes and un-chocolate cakes tested the robustness of the human alimentary tract. Now, 2 years later.

Making good cheese cake is simply a piece of cake to them now.

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