
wednesday night respite

It has been a while since I ate dinner at home. For the past two weeks, I am not really a master of my own time, everyone else seems to be the master of my time though. I shall cut out all the boring parts of the week. Even though, this may make my life sounds like a series of non sequitur events, so be it. So,

"Have you met ted?". I'm not referring to ted from the tv series "How I met your mother". I'm talking about TED talks directors. Go to youtube and type in TED and you will find yourself being enriched and amused at the same time. Though the talks covers every possible themes, my favorites are those that discuss behavioral economics. Maybe I will post some of the more interesting cases in the next post. But seriously you check it out. Here is one of my favorites.


Next, gay bars. Thank you amanda for introducing me to gay bars. I seriously do not think that I will be interested in the crowd nor the rainbow flags they hang in the bar. I know I am not going to be too popular with the local crowd, cos the locals prefer ang mohs. But, neither do I want to use my cute english accented french to pick up foreigners.

Ensuite, sexual exploits. Sometimes it is hard to look at your colleagues in the same way when you heard stories about how they do it like bunnies on a bunny timetable basis. So if any lessons here for me to learn, it is never to rent your room out to foreign interns. They can hear you no matter how you try to muffle the synchronized symphony, or lest that can be done.. get a bed that does not squeak when rocked.

AHM. The atmosphere was the same. The throngs of runners, the heat, the water points, the soldiers, and the adrenaline rush from seeing so many people running at the same time. For the first time since I was introduced to the race, I was standing on the wrong side of the finishing line. I was reminded of how I loved the feeling of finishing the race. The continuous shuffling of the legs back and forth. The momentum gain from running the first 15km always create an inertia to stopping. I missed the times when your lungs have given way, and your breathing is screwed and yet your legs continue to move in the rhythmic, cyclical movement which they have already been accustomed to after 15km of pounding on the road. I missed chasing people. I missed feeling healthy and alive.

I want to run again. soon.

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