

If there is a few words I can use to describe myself, I would choose still as one of them. For some of you, still translates into boring. Maybe this story can give you a better of the kind of still I am referring to.

Two men were arguing about a flag flapping in the wind. "It's the wind that is really moving," stated the first one. "No, it is the flag that is moving," contended the second. A Zen master, the sixth Patriarch, who happened to be walking by, overheard the debate and interrupted them. "Neither the flag nor the wind is moving," he said, "It is MIND (sometimes its HEART) that moves."

Some people reading this blog might comment that by talking about still, is no longer still. They will tell me that I am missing the point. From a blogging point of view, I can only tell them that they are missing the point of why I am missing the point. They will then insist that by telling them they are missing the point of me missing the point, I am missing the point. so on so forth...

Sigh.. My iterative argument just proves that they are right. I am not as still as I had thought myself to me. My mind was not still, so it wandered off into a downhill iterative argument. Perhaps, my still exist as an unstable equilibrium entity not even Lyapunov stable. Mathematically speaking, I need more negatives poles. hur..

Looking how far I have strayed from the original post, everyone's probably lost in my gibberish. I know I totally missed the point here.

perhaps I am not so still after all..

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