
area cleaning

TGIFriday's has this distinctive decor made up of organized clusters of everything old and American that accentuate their ambiance. After 8 man hours of cleaning, my room spots similar piles of organized clusters of everything old and useless. Unfortunately, they give off totally different vibes as TGIF's, so my room's not as cool as I would like it to be.

Ah yes, the clusters. Much as I would like to throw them out immediately before they accumulate, they are here to stay for a while. Area cleaning in my household follows the same kind of chain of command you see in public sectors. There are lots of bureaucratic red tapes and layers of approvals.
Upper echelons have thwarted several of my attempts to clear my room. You cannot just throw away item X just because they are useless and have not served any purpose for the past year. Trust me, it is easier to write a proposal to justify write downs of inventories or dispose fully depreciated assets in a company than to throw away a stationary holder in my house. If only I can get them on board with the idea of throwing away fully depreciated objects or things with neither resale value nor future economic value, things would be much easier. For now, I would have to keep jumping over these clusters until they can be canned.

cleaning trivials: > 50% of the pens I tested today do not work.

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