
Awesome #5 taking off your shoes after distance running

The early morning distance run makes you feel good. It warms your body up for a good start for the day and it lets you know that your body is fit and functional. There are other extrinsic factors too. The cool and fresh morning air, not many cars on the roads, pretty office ladies waiting at the bus stops (you can be sure they are checking you out too), the well regulated breathing, the last 200m before the finishing line; so many things makes a run awesome.

At the end of the run, your heel makes an extra hard strike on the ground to mark its last stride for the run. Your legs come into an abrupt stop. Lactic acid trickles into every sinew of your leg muscles. You took in a first deep breathe after holding it for the last 50 metres. The distance running causes your feet to swell, the dry fit sock is not as sweat absorbent as it was marketed and your ankle is weak from the all the flexing to cushion your landing. You found a good spot under the shade to stretch and cool down. You sat down and (wait for it) you took off your shoes. awwww... Freedom. Ventilation. It's the exact same kind of feeling as when you take off your combat boots after a 24km road march.

wiggling my freed toes and letting blood flow back to my feet feels...


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