
Awesome #9 the first meal you eat after strenuous exercise

I found out the hard way. 3 times up and down the steepest slope of Bukit Timah as warm up for interval training is no joke. To make things worse, I had almost a whole day of racquet sports and dance yesterday and the adrenaline rush kept me awake the whole night. After the "warm up", I was already fully worked out. It is amazing to see that some of them are still breathing regularly; myself on the other hand is panting like a dog. The humidity of the tropical rain forest makes me sweat buckets. My spectacles fogged from the heat radiated from my body. While I was drinking up to prepare for the core training exercise, I was told that we are going to climb the Dairy Farm loop three times for stairs training. Well, stairs training should not be too bad right, I mean how high can a flight of stairs at Bukit Timah be? Erhm, if you want to know it's 240 steps! So three times means 720 steps... It's climbing an equivalent of 45 floors in a HDB. Top top that up, the steps are rocky, slippery and uneven. You spend as much energy balancing yourself as you climb the steps. But I made it through all those and the subsequent trainings that followed. 4hrs of leg exercise. After the cooling down and washing up, we went for lunch. woot!

The feeling of seeing the famous satay beehoon from Bukit Timah market and Food center steaming hot and right in front of me is heavenly. You can literally feel your blood sugar level rise with the intake of food and the energy flows back into your system. The softness of the tau huay bean curd, the spiciness of the popiah, the oily fried carrot cake worked out the perfect assault plan to attack the sensory of the taste buds.

Every mouth of food after the workout was..


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